December - time sliding - happy new days.
The paper tree
on a winters day
Fox tale and feather.
a change of hill
three gifts
November neurosis.
One morning—one hour.
In the company of angels…
Scattered footsteps.
From hill to hill - part 2
It’s all about the sheep!
Out of October...
From hill to hill - part 1
sometimes I forget...
Touched in lines...
autumn - the antithesis
Fur coats and bikinis...
A thousand moments…
Jalisse - Story 2
Counting those who fall…
In the quiet of the morning
Worldwide Wild…
The colour of August…
leaving my hill
Lovage and lee(a)ks.
The Applause.
Close encounters in the wild…
Trip the light Fandango…
Hadlow Street.
The clothes on our backs.
The marmalade ghost…
Notes from my hill - July be kind!
The price of joy…
Sleepless on the hill
Tumbling through June…
Indigo hour
on thinking of friends...
so plans change
where you will find me…
The Other Lady on the hill.
all the eggs on the table...
sacred rain...
Woodland bliss…
Livestock chaos...
Le gendarmerie.
The list...
The gardening torture dilemma!
pine needle glitter..
Quiet on the hill.
A hill and I