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Oh Susie I'm chronically driven and chronically insomniac too – the two things must be connected, I'm certain - but your post, while inspiringly written and as lively as ever, made me feel exhausted! (Distressed about the lithium, too.) Oh and all gardens worth the name must look like that in winter.

Pleased though that you had Rosie home.

No doubt EVERYONE is giving you sleep cures (I loved the Nabokov quote and that's JUST how it is!), but for sure, I'm better with no screens at all after about 6 (she says at 8pm), some tilleul tea, Arkorelax Flash Sommeil melatonin spray under the tongue at bedtime (from the chemist), and a roll-on of relaxing essential oils.

I also repeat the mantra 'quiet mind, quiet heart' until I'm so bored with it that – on occasion – I actually do fall asleep. On the other hand, if you find a cure, do let me know!

Hugs to you.

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I’m trying not to think of the fire, the Lithium poisoning the valley, we have been told there is no danger and yet as I read in, we are advised to wash everything that was left outside… as I said we are outside of the danger zone (Samll mercy) but Lithium…! 😓

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Hi Roselle, apologies for the delay in replying, I prefer to not rush replies and as such have to wait for a few moments of liberty to do so. I am also convinced that being driven to permanently ‘do’ is linked to insomnia also.

I truly am my own worst enemy, I simply can’t leave something that needs to be tended to, no matter that I’m already dragging my weary body around. But surely there must be other factors playing their role? I have tried to find a common denominator, there isn’t one, I have tried eating different foods, cutting out all connectivity an hour before sleeping, windows open, windows closed, I’ve moved my bed, changed pillows, tried yoga and meditation (impossible for a Gemini mind) nothing seems to deter those nights of open eyed restlessness that arrive on a whim and wisp unannounced and certainly unwanted…

Thank you for the sleep cures… indeed you’re right, I have tried almost everything. Though not the Arkorelax spray. Which I will order immediately… Aromatherapy oils worked well for a while but I think our bodies grow a certain resistance to them, as mine has to Valerian and Passiflore… havé no fear though, if I find that one miracle cure I will let you know!

With love and once again tired hugs..xx

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