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Hi Roselle, apologies for the delay in replying, I prefer to not rush replies and as such have to wait for a few moments of liberty to do so. I am also convinced that being driven to permanently ‘do’ is linked to insomnia also.

I truly am my own worst enemy, I simply can’t leave something that needs to be tended to, no matter that I’m already dragging my weary body around. But surely there must be other factors playing their role? I have tried to find a common denominator, there isn’t one, I have tried eating different foods, cutting out all connectivity an hour before sleeping, windows open, windows closed, I’ve moved my bed, changed pillows, tried yoga and meditation (impossible for a Gemini mind) nothing seems to deter those nights of open eyed restlessness that arrive on a whim and wisp unannounced and certainly unwanted…

Thank you for the sleep cures… indeed you’re right, I have tried almost everything. Though not the Arkorelax spray. Which I will order immediately… Aromatherapy oils worked well for a while but I think our bodies grow a certain resistance to them, as mine has to Valerian and Passiflore… havé no fear though, if I find that one miracle cure I will let you know!

With love and once again tired hugs..xx

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