I'm sorry to hear about this, Susie, especially the bit about being awake when you should be asleep. I was talking about this yesterday with my son, and he told me that he tries to let go of the conditioning of being asleep at certain times, and doing something else. Then he can let go of the resistance to being awake. Eventually we will get back into our sleep pattern. I wonder.... 🤔
Thank you for your thoughts on this Debs, strangely, since writing this I’ve had two relatively good nights sleep so I’m hoping that this particular phase is over... I believe your son has a point though, our conditioning is hard to release, it is inherent in us all whether we are conscious of it or not, concentrating on change takes huge effort and of course, reconditioning, which we tend to resist... and with reason but sometimes it is a necessity - I think, I hope, I am at that point of acceptance and I’m certain once mind and body are in agreement again, I will sleep. Strangely after writing this post I have had acceptable amounts of sleep... perhaps writing about it was the catalyst I needed? X
We all suffer from insomnia at times. It’s so very frustrating, infuriating when our mind and body cannot find the peace we yearn. Once your school year is finished, I’m sure the past weeks of multiple stresses will diminish and your body will sigh deeply in gratitude, falling into a deep sleep with loud snores. Ones that would wake up Shakespeare...
I’ve four days of classes to go darling... I can do this, the light is shining ever more brightly as the days pass... and unbelievably, I’ve just had two relatively good nights sleep so I’m hoping that’s the end of this horrible long phase... xx
PS wouldn’t that be something, to wake up Shakespeare !!! X
A great suggestion! Both the denial and deleting music that wakes you, oddly I was thinking about that too… I’m going to check an Oliver Jenkins right now…. Who knows he just might be the miracle cure I need!
I was vegetarian for years and years, I suffered daily because of it, not just because hubby is the opposite and preparing two meals was such a chore but I had bouts of trembling, literally my whole body! After a zillion tests a friend said to me, why don’t you just try eating meat again? I gave it a months trial and it worked… the trouble is I hate meat so now I alternate it… but the trembling is over - it seems obvious now but at the time I didn’t even think of it!
I have tried almost everything imaginable Pip, except running to the doc for prescription meds! I drink warm milk and honey, I eat a few hazelnuts or almonds, I gaze up at the stars from my window, I’ve even tried that age old remedy of counting sheep which I’m sure would work except I only have eight... 😂 I’ve never tried ham hough... cold curry yes, didn’t work!
As for writing in the small hours, I find it is the best time for me... maybe this doesn’t really help my problem but the house is quiet, no distractions means full concentration which I never have the privilege of at any other time... plus, as you probably can guess, I abhor the thought and act of wasted hours. I can never do nothing, if I’m awake and it looks like I’m going to stay awake then I have to be busy! It’s a vicious circle... 🙄
Thanks always for your constant encouragement Pip xxx
I'm sorry to hear about this, Susie, especially the bit about being awake when you should be asleep. I was talking about this yesterday with my son, and he told me that he tries to let go of the conditioning of being asleep at certain times, and doing something else. Then he can let go of the resistance to being awake. Eventually we will get back into our sleep pattern. I wonder.... 🤔
Thank you for your thoughts on this Debs, strangely, since writing this I’ve had two relatively good nights sleep so I’m hoping that this particular phase is over... I believe your son has a point though, our conditioning is hard to release, it is inherent in us all whether we are conscious of it or not, concentrating on change takes huge effort and of course, reconditioning, which we tend to resist... and with reason but sometimes it is a necessity - I think, I hope, I am at that point of acceptance and I’m certain once mind and body are in agreement again, I will sleep. Strangely after writing this post I have had acceptable amounts of sleep... perhaps writing about it was the catalyst I needed? X
We all suffer from insomnia at times. It’s so very frustrating, infuriating when our mind and body cannot find the peace we yearn. Once your school year is finished, I’m sure the past weeks of multiple stresses will diminish and your body will sigh deeply in gratitude, falling into a deep sleep with loud snores. Ones that would wake up Shakespeare...
I’ve four days of classes to go darling... I can do this, the light is shining ever more brightly as the days pass... and unbelievably, I’ve just had two relatively good nights sleep so I’m hoping that’s the end of this horrible long phase... xx
PS wouldn’t that be something, to wake up Shakespeare !!! X
A great suggestion! Both the denial and deleting music that wakes you, oddly I was thinking about that too… I’m going to check an Oliver Jenkins right now…. Who knows he just might be the miracle cure I need!
I was vegetarian for years and years, I suffered daily because of it, not just because hubby is the opposite and preparing two meals was such a chore but I had bouts of trembling, literally my whole body! After a zillion tests a friend said to me, why don’t you just try eating meat again? I gave it a months trial and it worked… the trouble is I hate meat so now I alternate it… but the trembling is over - it seems obvious now but at the time I didn’t even think of it!
I have tried almost everything imaginable Pip, except running to the doc for prescription meds! I drink warm milk and honey, I eat a few hazelnuts or almonds, I gaze up at the stars from my window, I’ve even tried that age old remedy of counting sheep which I’m sure would work except I only have eight... 😂 I’ve never tried ham hough... cold curry yes, didn’t work!
As for writing in the small hours, I find it is the best time for me... maybe this doesn’t really help my problem but the house is quiet, no distractions means full concentration which I never have the privilege of at any other time... plus, as you probably can guess, I abhor the thought and act of wasted hours. I can never do nothing, if I’m awake and it looks like I’m going to stay awake then I have to be busy! It’s a vicious circle... 🙄
Thanks always for your constant encouragement Pip xxx