“Graceful acceptance of inevitability.” Can I tattoo this to my body, alongside that breath-giving photo?! ❤️

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Yay for Geminis! 😊

Yes, to "notice the quiet things." I am having to bring on board all my noticing and awareness skills right now to manage my own "whirlwind". It's so easy to pause when all is going along swimmingly. The skill is remembering to do this when we are in crazy mode, which is when we need it most!

Thank you Susie for your first post card. May February be a more gentle and kinder month for you.

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Love your postcard Susie 🌿 looking forward to reading your upcoming letters. They will be beautiful and brilliant as they always are, tear soaked or not. Thank you xx

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Thank you lovely Emily, as cathartic as writing is, there are days when the words a so jumbled they’re best left unwritten, I’m hoping I’ve cleared this recent obstacle and can continue with my usually numerous look at life! Huge thanks again for sharing my note - have a very lovely week! X🤗✨xx

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Thank you for the postcard! Also, hi fellow Gemini!

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Oh hello beautiful Gemini sister, you’re very welcome lovely - may your new week be a gentle one ♥️xx

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And yours ❤️

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It's so wonderful to receive a postcard from you. The photo is a delightful, warm rays of sunlight kissing January goodbye while welcoming February. Thank you for sharing a sample of this communities writers. Love n light always Sweet sister. XX00

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Postcards, limited by space. YOU have the words for that limited space. Always. What a lovely celebration of others

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Thanks to you Barrie, your everlasting encouragement and kindness is contagious.

Bonne nuit! 🌙

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Feb 5, 2024
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Thank you Luisa, I loved your seven seasons… here’s to the next! And yes, a happier one! X

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