Hello dear friends, readers, writers and new subscribers,
Welcome February…
Is anyone else as relieved as I am that January is behind us?
In my last letter to you I may have mentioned I would be sending postcards with one or at least, few words. Errrr, well this is the first. Evidently I underestimated entirely just how difficult that is. I must correct such a zealous decision and say, I will do my best. Short and sweet, no waffling but no impossible promises!
While I am here, taking full advantage of my error—bien sûr—an explanation to proceed following letters.
The month of January has been a whirlwind of mind numbing crisis which left my already very haphazard schedule dawdling far behind me rather than running ahead. I dilly dallied through the first half of January, staggered heartbroken through the second with every one of many letters started, left idle, neglected and unfinished in draft form. When finally a ray of light crept through a crack in the door, we had a WiFi issue lasting through the only two days when I felt remotely capable of unscrambling words into vague coherent form.
Such is life.
The result, having reread, deleted and cast aside for another time/never, is that I will send you two letters in rather quick succession that should have been sent out during January. They risk being littered with typos/tear soaked/long.
Apologies in advance.
I hope the week has been kind to you, that you find wonder in your weekend.
Sent always with love and a little reminder to notice the quiet things that ask for no attention. Something I have forgotten in the melee of gloomy January days.
And this, (the one word, one phrase just keeps on growing… what can I say, Gemini’s are hopeless at ignoring distractions)
pulled me in from the very beginning with the words;The edges of reality soften and blur. I can feel adventures and memories brush the back of my mind.
how could I not continue?
Do take a moment to lose yourselves on one of her magical paths…
And this from
…especially No 6!
a delicious season in which to linger, possibly in a hammock, watching the clouds drift…
Thank you for the postcard! Also, hi fellow Gemini!
Love your postcard Susie 🌿 looking forward to reading your upcoming letters. They will be beautiful and brilliant as they always are, tear soaked or not. Thank you xx