Such delicate writing of experience, Susie.

I hadn't heard of Merlin Bird ID. I immediately sent my father a message to ask him if he knows if it, because if he doesn't then he'll very much want to know of it!

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Bless you for kind your words Nathan..

Merlin Bird ID is nothing short of brilliant… I’ve learnt so many bird songs by heart using his little app, I hope your father gets as much enjoyment as I do with it!

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Something so magical about birdsong at this time of year. ✨

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There really is, I’m sure they sing louder and more sweetly in spring!

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Another wonderful postcard Susie. I have been wandering about this month with my phone firmly glued to my hand with the Merlin app open - I have absolutely delighted in seeing the variety of birds. I’m hoping that my Sunday letter this week will be filled with them!! I too, was delighted to hear firecrests in the chorus. I saw one in our back garden a few years ago - o thought it was a goldcrest until I checked my bird book 🥰

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Oh Emily, I’m glad I’m not alone in my excitement… isn’t Merlin just the most wonderful app! And Fire Crest… I ran all the way home to tell my husband!

I can’t wait to read your next post…thanks so much for reading lovely… ♥️xx

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This postcard surfaces the sweetest feelings. Thank you, Susie.

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Dearest Renée, thank you, there has been the sweetest birdsong filling the valley this week, I’m sure birds don’t really sing louder, or mor sweetly, in spring but oh, it does so seem like it. X

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No need to reply, but your comment stirs some wonder in me: what if they do sing more loudly, more sweetly, so relieved as are we by the warmth and sunshine, so in love with love, making love with life in the finest sound of 'yes'?

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Oh but I will fall into sweet sleep tonight with that thought Renée - 🙏🏽xx

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Can you believe I gardened in a t-shirt this afternoon?! A beanie was required for all the irritating bugs that today’s warmth has clearly stirred from slumber, but the shedding of layers amidst the sound of birdsong was truly spring like! May your tiny birds return for closer inspection 🤞🏻x

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I’ve been doing the same here, bare arms (contemplating the horror story that would be bare legs but thankfully, for all concerned resisting…) under warm sunshine, bees buzzing loudly in so much blossom, it is truly blissful… then I look at the forecast for the weekend and wonder if I’m dreaming… such is climate change!

I have heard those two tiny fire crests but damn they’re so clever at hiding…! And even if they weren’t I’d have to be so fast to capture them on film! Thanks for reading lovely.. enjoy the sun while you can

, 🌸🍃x

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How wonderful! Such tiny bundles of life bursting at feathered seams! Really enjoying your postcards, thank you.

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“ Such tiny bundles of life bursting at feathered seams!”

I wish I’d written that!

These PC’s were a combined idea, Barrie’s and mine… for days when I have just a few words to say.. I’m quite enjoying posting them, they’re becoming more and more like a journal!

Thanks so much for sharing Alex and your lovely comment…

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Being that I live so much further north it's wonderful to read "a trailer" to our seasonal near future. Anyway, just wanted to say that I love your sentence construction! Well put together, multiple clause, thought streaming whilst painting an ever widening picture in the readers mind. It's just lovely Susie. Thanks.

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Thank you again for such kind and encouraging words - everything is blooming and bursting into spring life here, perhaps a little too quickly even… I feel as frantic as spring itself in my need to see it all, to not miss the first oak tree in leaf, the first forget-me-not to flower. It’s all so temporary.

I’m not sure how far north you are Jonathan, you have mentioned beavers though so quite far… Scotland perhaps? (although I believe there are now a small number in England too… )

Wherever you are spring cannot be to many weeks away now, enjoy the wait in winters last days…

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I know what you mean about temporary, and yet the flowing seasonal cycles somehow change that transience to permanence.

I'm in Stockholm, a quarter way up in Sweden. A few degrees above the Shetland isles, latitude with Canada's northern territory and southern Alaska. It's currently minus 1, which is pretty acceptable and heading the right direction. When the spring finally comes, it comes with generous abundance, bursting in, an avalanche of buds and flowers and pollen cascading across the land, making the most of times slither before the long cold comes back.

I love the seasons in Sweden. Each one a world of it's own. This is the time of year to say such things though, as the light is returning properly and the near future looks so bright.

This is an early piece full of my feelings for the beauty of Sweden in these strange days...


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Ahh… even further north! In a country I’ve never visited… sadly.

Once again I am left in awe of another your essay’s, you touch a subject I steer clear of where possible, I fear I would probably just rant endlessly at the sheer blind stupidity of we humans who are supposed to be the most intelligent creatures on the planet… thank you

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What could be better than seeing and hearing new / different birdies? How delightful, Susie.

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Thanks Debs, these last few days have escaped me completely, but the reason is finally finished and I’m slowly catching up everywhere… nature first! X

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Such a beautiful postcard to hold on to my dear heart this week, Susie. Thank you!

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Hold on to it tight dear Lisha, with love xx

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A welcoming celebration of Spring, hearing the joyful sounds of birds singing while beautiful blossoms emerging. Tis' a blessing! Thank you for sharing your delightful wandering. Love n light... XXOO

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I wish I could wander with you by my side darling… to share all the magic together!

Thank you always for kind words with love 💛xx

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