Oh, Susie, that moment at school...an angel indeed.

By the way, is that a new logo you have? Did you sketch it yourself? Maybe I just haven't zoomed in and paid attention yet...

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Hi Betty, I cannot even begin to tell you how hard it was to hold back the tears - he really is an angel!

I am playing with logo's, lets just leave at that! Expect another change as soon as I come up for air... I have no idea how anyone keeps up here - I'm sure my BP is sky high !

Did you just get that huge and very loud storm that rattled the windows in the house here? X

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Yes, the storm came through here around 3pm. It didn't last long though.

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Here neither and thank goodness, these old windows wouldn't have stood too much more rumbles of thunder like that!

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Sep 21Liked by Susie Mawhinney

Oh my, if I could give this 120 💖s, I would! Yes, yes, yes. Thank you. 🙏🏽

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Thank you so much Grace, you made a very gloomy, stormy Sunday feel bright again! 💫🙏🏼💛

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Susie, you are an angel to so many of us here. I loved this post. How lucky I am that you have somehow floated into my life. x

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Bless you Louise, I am incredibly touched by your kind words - I will be relaying them to my four legged woolly friends in the morning to remind them of the kind hand that feeds them, I have spent an afternoon in the lashing rain chasing them around the hill after a gust of wind ( I think ) blew open their gate and they would not return to my call... they are now closed inside their cabin until wind and rain has passed. When I went to check them at dusk, they looked so very forlorn I nearly let them out but thought better of it. Now they are yelling their heads off!

Sometimes being an angel is hard... but this, I am sure, you already know being one yourself! 🙏🏼xx

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Sometimes there are points of light. They have come in the form of people, when darkness seems too thick to find a path forward . A hand reaches out to pull me into the light. Sometimes they unexpectedly come from within me . And every once in a while, they come from words. This morning I wake to yours. Thank you for sharing your angels and the beautiful wording to describe them. All the different shapes and forms they take. Witnessing the magical scene and capturing it on video! I’m certain I would have been overwhelmed by emotion . Thinking, is this for me?

(I’m glad you added a sound track. Though another video of Wolfie crunching on walnuts would be most enjoyable).

“Sometimes my heart feels like bursting, not as often as I would like but when it does a warmth radiates from inside permeating every doubt of self and human nature buried within. “

“Is there anything more important than love?”

Returning a smile.

(I could write another page about bogs. I was smitten by them ever since my first visit, a school field trip).

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Oh. My! WORD!!!! Susie!!!!!! I love, absolutely and completely, LOVE this post!! I have many stories, though not as beautiful, nor ethereal, as your angel. That is so, so lovely and providential. And your sweet story about work. Our little angels that we work with are the absolute best! How many times have you thought to yourself that perhaps you might be on the spectrum yourself, otherwise how could you so thoroughly resonate with these kiddos and vice versa? There is rarely a day that goes by where I don't believe it is a special gift, to be sure, to be able to work alongside and learn from these kids! They are amazing. Even more sweet when you understand, whether verbally or not, that a kid loves you. XO

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I read this while sitting in autumn sun, the Aspen grove whispering alongside our clucking hens, your words inviting me to straddle the present and your most mysterious experience. I like to think that by arresting the need to know and replacing it with your deeply attuned listening awakens that liminal space where anything is possible. The unseen sees you and they see warmth, kindness, gentleness, wisdom. I have no doubt in my mind that the earth and her spirits return that favor ten fold to their human sister. Why? Because love is all that matters, and you, Susie, are love. ❤️

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Sep 20Liked by Susie Mawhinney

Gosh, magical, Susie. Totally sucked in by your first story. I would love to experience something like that.

And what a beautiful conversation with your angel in class. 🧡

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High praise indeed from the man who wrote The Sernox which is by far my favourite magical story on Substack to date. My most deep and humble thanks Nathan - that means the world.

I don't always get to teach angels as you can likely imagine but this one... bless his beautiful soul - autistic or otherwise, he will go far in this world, I only hope the world never changes him 👼🏻

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Sep 20Liked by Susie Mawhinney

"Is there anything more important than love?" Oh heart! ❤️

Such a beautiful piece of writing Susie with love at it's core. Thank you for what you do. 🙏

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I think love just might be the core of all our lives Jo with the huge and loving open heart - I think you already know though!

I hope your weekend is filled with it. ♥️x

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Sep 20Liked by Susie Mawhinney

Likewise. ❤️❤️❤️

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Sep 20Liked by Susie Mawhinney

Wow just gorgeous and captured in words, photography and music. I loved this and would be there with you on those morning walks if I could.

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This one would have been worth the airfare Deirdre, a once in a lifetime walk... I'm happy to have had you join me even if only vicariously.

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Sep 20Liked by Susie Mawhinney

Outstanding vulnerability and joy.

Thank you……

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If only such joy could be shared even further Alix, how much more glorious would this world be then. thank you for reading 🙏🏼

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Sep 20Liked by Susie Mawhinney

Blessed be all your angels that guide you - love you - dance around you, Susie! Thank you.

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Thank you dear Fotini, I hope you are visited by guiding angels this weekend!

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Sep 20Liked by Susie Mawhinney

I am travelling back home, so any guidance is more than welcome. Thank you, dear!

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Perfect. Thank you

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Thank you always for reading and sharing Jonathan.

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Sep 20Liked by Susie Mawhinney

"I am taken aback by the gravity of seriousness in his little voice. I tell him I think that possibly there isn’t, that without love there are countless other emotions we cannot witness and that without it our lives risk becoming terribly sad."

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I hope the world never changes him!

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Sep 20Liked by Susie Mawhinney

This is so beautiful. Thank you.

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You are so very welcome John, thank you for reading.

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It would not surprise me too much Susie. This is a kindly story to read this morning. Yes, that sunburst warmth lasts depuis longtemps.

I have my angel story from a while ago in the liminal space of a tent in the English Lake District. I did not at first recognise them. I had thought them small children dressed in white plastic macs which were a fashion back then. The twins spoke, 'We are very good at ankles'. And they were. I guess I was needed though the situation was not potentially as dire as yours; just a reminder because I had pushed my luck on the hill.

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The bog mist rainbow spectrum of your visit along a path that few have ventured leads me into the realm of fairies. Your words lift me off my feet to dance in the air and light my way with the softness of scent rising as spirits spent times ,but second to none that I have ever had ; with one exceptional moment of seeing numerous light crosses over a placid ocean that played just over the waves as I sat mesmerized alone in meditation on a sand beach. Gracious beings arrive when you least expect them to show themselves.

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