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Danielle, wow wow wow, I am SO relieved/happy/turning in circles that you say, "How many times have you thought to yourself that perhaps you might be on the spectrum yourself, otherwise how could you so thoroughly resonate with these kiddos and vice versa?" My answer is this, all the time! I sit at the meetings of experts and doctors on these matters - I've just returned from one such debacle - and I leave every time with the same fury. What do they know? They do not, and never have, worked along side these angels on a day to day basis. Each and every child I have worked with is different and I see a part of myself, either now, or as a child in every one... it is a gift, and one I cherish every single day. They touch my heart every day, they make me laugh and cry, even the really difficult kids have something to give and maybe we don't always understand, maybe sometimes they don't want us to because actually they are ten times wiser and cleverer than we are but this is what we have to learn from right!

Urgh... sorry for the rant, I am terribly passionate about these angels, they deserve the world and we can't always give it, at least standard education can't.

Bless you lovely... thank you always - may your week be filled with smiles and rainbow spectrums! 🌈xx

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Yyyyyeeeeessssssssssss! I think I do, too. Especially because of how my heart is tethered to so many of them and vice versa!! I agree that, tho they are entitled to an education, it doesn't always do the greatest good for them! So much frustration on my part for the wishes that aren't, with regard to their schooling. It's why I can hardly bear to think of myself anywhere else and, at the same time, wonder how one person can ever make a difference. So far...I'm going with the hardly bear self.

Have a beautiful week, sweet girl! XO

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I so agree with the wondering of how just one person can make a difference... this is a question that keeps me awake at night Danielle, especially when there is little or no parental back up. Its simply heartbreaking to watch.

I hope the week is being kind to you lovely - the rain here is incessant today - inspiration is noticeably lacking. with love xox

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Amen, Susie. It is heartbreaking to hear and watch. That is why WE CAAANNN make a difference in these kids lives. WE, you and I, are their soft place to land, the people that want to hear and understand them and speak up FOR them. Because they deserve to be heard and appreciated. And I know WE do appreciate them so, so much! They are the loveliest and lovey-est children!!

Ugh - I caught the fall crud. Not hard to do when you work as closely with kiddos as we do, but it sure is going around. Both colds and a stomach bug. Aye, aye, aye. If it's not one thing, its another. BUT I know how to take excellent care of myself and I'm sure I'll be all mended up sooner, rather than later. Sorry about the rain :-( I love that kind of moody weather, but it is not for everyone. I hope you get a respite soon and you get to go on your hill and enjoy it to the fullest!!

Love ya!! XO

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