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Sometimes, I ponder the time my Mum had got a new fan oven, her first one with a fan, and decided to cook a goose instead of a turkey for Christmas that year. Needless to say, it had more of a crispy-duck-esque feel to it that year...

I hope there were no Christmas culinary issues this year! Our Christmas was so different to normal, with the family of my belle-soeur's mother's boyfriend being invited. Aurélie's maman was in Thailand with the Thai-dwelling branch of the family, so it felt very different. Which was probably a good thing, it being the first since Aurélie's father, Jef, died.

We had a fresh dusting of snow on the peaks last night, but it has been quite warm too, so much had gone (the waterfalls are currently splendid). Ailsa has, however, been taken skiing for the first time. Not me, I've yet to attempt this, but pulling her along is fun! She was so good, too, instinctively bending her knees and turning the skis in at the front which, apparently, is how it is done.

Thanks again for sharing your hill with me and everyone else. I really appreciate each of the walks, and truly appreciate you. Thank you.

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Hi Alex, I think perhaps a different ambiance to Christmas this year was necessary after the loss of someone so dear. I hope at least a few moments were happy and memorable for all good reasons!

And, just very quickly, on the subject of skiing, IMHO of course and a very out of practice one too because its now 13 years since I've been skiing and my knees would complain bitterly now if I even attempted it anyway, but you have to try! Just once! To me it was a sport akin to surfing, the feeling of being reliant and adrift with the elements is so forceful and exhilarating!

I am not a sporty type, as you can probably imagine but solitary sports like the above and walking have a completely different flavour to them, if I lived closer to the mountains,I think I would ski as often as possible, I loved every second!

I hope your week is going well my friend, I can't believe I have to be back in class in three days - the holidays have flown!

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