Hi Alex, I think perhaps a different ambiance to Christmas this year was necessary after the loss of someone so dear. I hope at least a few moments were happy and memorable for all good reasons!
And, just very quickly, on the subject of skiing, IMHO of course and a very out of practice one too because its now 13 years since I've been skii…
Hi Alex, I think perhaps a different ambiance to Christmas this year was necessary after the loss of someone so dear. I hope at least a few moments were happy and memorable for all good reasons!
And, just very quickly, on the subject of skiing, IMHO of course and a very out of practice one too because its now 13 years since I've been skiing and my knees would complain bitterly now if I even attempted it anyway, but you have to try! Just once! To me it was a sport akin to surfing, the feeling of being reliant and adrift with the elements is so forceful and exhilarating!
I am not a sporty type, as you can probably imagine but solitary sports like the above and walking have a completely different flavour to them, if I lived closer to the mountains,I think I would ski as often as possible, I loved every second!
I hope your week is going well my friend, I can't believe I have to be back in class in three days - the holidays have flown!
Hi Alex, I think perhaps a different ambiance to Christmas this year was necessary after the loss of someone so dear. I hope at least a few moments were happy and memorable for all good reasons!
And, just very quickly, on the subject of skiing, IMHO of course and a very out of practice one too because its now 13 years since I've been skiing and my knees would complain bitterly now if I even attempted it anyway, but you have to try! Just once! To me it was a sport akin to surfing, the feeling of being reliant and adrift with the elements is so forceful and exhilarating!
I am not a sporty type, as you can probably imagine but solitary sports like the above and walking have a completely different flavour to them, if I lived closer to the mountains,I think I would ski as often as possible, I loved every second!
I hope your week is going well my friend, I can't believe I have to be back in class in three days - the holidays have flown!