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It's been a crazy week! Three snow days in a row and today is a late start due to ice!! It's been beautiful and great timing because my youngest and I have both been sick, so we needed some extra recovery time.

Hope you are well, sweet girl! XO

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Oh I'm green with envy Danielle, we are forecast snowfall tonight, I am praying -against all the odds - that for once the weather man is not mistaken and that I wake to snow in the morning!

I'm sorry you've been laid up with your youngest, I too have been hit by some unidentifiable germ this week but due to an already diminished staff - it was a case of whoever could stand could work - I have had to soldier on... TGIF and hopefully two days of rest watching snowflakes fall.

I hope you are both now recovering and able to enjoy the beauty of a white landscape for the weekend - a hug to you both xox

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I had one of those mornings on Monday morning this week. I wasn't doing well at all, but needed to be at work, so I was very glad to get the following three days rest. Today was a little crazy, after having a three day break, but it was so worth it.

We are both slowly recovering, thank you. Nicholas had a little bit of everything, was clearly run down, so I'm glad he is starting to come out of that and recover. I haven't really let him be outside much though because of the many things he had, he had the flu and pneumonia together and neither seemed like a good idea to mix with the snow.

Hugs back to you! XO

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Oh Daniella, pneumonia, how terribly worrying, I know from experience, my son was critically ill at the age of just three years with this horrible malady. I am so relieved Nicholas is recovering.

The longer I work alongside teachers the more I revere their stoic ability to soldier on, it is a job that demands not only the patience of a saint but the constitution of an ox also! May we all be built like Apis! xxx

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Now if I could just toughen up my heart a little!! Ain't gonna happen! XO

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Ditto! And ditto… xx

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"Though she be but little, she is fierce..." -Shakespeare. Our shared sisterhood motto. XO

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