I love that you built a tree from books - soooo creative! I do hope you managed to find some space for yourself!

I've emailed you about a possible collab - looking forward to hearing your thoughts.


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Hi Debs, Happy New Year lovely... my paper tree is still adorning my sitting room floor, the putting up is one hung, the taking down and replacing books to their rightful places quite another...

I have just seen your email, sorry it’s taken so long. I tend not to check so often during school holidays. I will reply later today... xx

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No rush, lovely. Enjoy your last few days of "freedom"

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Omg, so many things to do. I hope you are able to take a break, a proper one. Happy Christmas and New Year's, friend!

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Many thanks dear Lisha, thankfully the days post Christmas have been calmer, I feel more rested and ready for the new year to begin at last...

May yours be filled with love and light and wonder my lovely friend 🕊️🤍✨xx

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Susie, I am exhausted just reading this!

I cried tears of relief at seeing your beautiful literary Christmas tree.

I love the quotes you have here - very appropriate and ones I shall use in my life.

I am wondering when your book will come out....

Beautiful Christmas morning photo. Stunning.

And my question is echoed below: why are you doing everything? My daughter mentioned she was bored yesterday. That was in her 10 minutes of being home in between living in Paradise which consists of daily lake swims, many friend gatherings, riding on friends' jet skis...

I don't often lose it, but when she said she was bored - I did lose it. I wish I could be bored for a bit. It is an endless cycle of feeding, washing and cleaning at the moment with people staying and coming and going. We made up 5 minutes later and I know I have to ask for help more.

Anyway, another famous long reply. Your beautiful stories do that to me.

Wishing you some well deserved rest Susie! Jo xx

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Jo, I cried tears of relief when I placed that last book on top… it is not a project for the faint hearted or impatient! But in the end worth every effort and I’m so glad you see that…

In answer to your question, it’s quite simple, I live with two male of the species, gender known and shown… one, my son, is young and knows no better (or rather just chooses to ignore the chores unless given a huge shove in the right direction) although I’m teaching him, albeit slowly. And the other, older, older than I am and an old fashioned (out of day and malfunctioning) model… no amount of pushing or shoving will change his ways… I live with it and them and the work… it’s life and I try not to grumble…

I understand your frustrations sooo very well when our offspring fail to see the obvious when pronouncing their ennuie. The young are mostly so very entitled and privileged these days I fear for the(ir) future terribly… Bored is not even a word that exists in my days, no matter what day of the year!

As for thé book? Urgh… I read something yesterday that really hit deeply and churned up every ‘you’re a fraud’ question possible… when I see the quality and content of writing here on Substack I really do wonder what I’m doing! But I’m here and I do enjoy writing these letters even if they will never be what I would call brilliant so I will continue! Just with a more critical eye I think..

Happy New Year to you Jo, I wish you happy new days filled with love and light and children that see all that needs to be done without a sharp word! Much love 🤍🤗🕊️🥂xx

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I loved this, Susie, and related to it (including Ray Bradbury's quote; and I liked the Bernstein, too).

It was great to picture you and your son in the car scrapyard!

I have never heard of such a tree, but I thought it was wondrous. Your photos as always are both stunning and inspiring.

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Thank you Roselle, I’m happy you found something relative in the two quotes, sometimes these take me longer than the actual writing to find those that are perfect, or at least those that say what I want them too…

The mini scrapyard, though a rather long and unscheduled halt to my plans, was admittedly fun. I could have written a book in his non stop chatter afterwards…

I don’t remember where I saw the idea for the tree, probably online, Pinterest maybe? But I do love it, a tree made of trees, what could be more perfect?

I hope you’re spending the first day of this new year peacefully, tending your land perhaps, with your trees… Happy new days 🕊️x

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You are incredible Susie! I felt your hurricane of creative energy reading this and then ended with an audible WOAH as I saw that tree!!!! It sounds like you’ll need a long winter’s nap after all this but then again, you’re probably already out on a long hike singing beautiful prose to your land. ❤️🙏

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Bless you dear Kimberly, I think perhaps the hurricane may have held a few rather vociferous tornadoes hidden within its wildness over those two days… the temptation to spin off in a different direction, to different days was a force to be reckoned with. It didn’t win and thank goodness, Christmas Day was the perfect antidote, not quite the long hibernation I crave but appreciated nonetheless…

With love to you on these in between days ♥️✨x

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Love your tree!! And yes, your energy seems endless. I hope you had wonderful Christmas days 🙏 Ours was not as planned, as corona paid a visit 😡 Enjoy your holidays and a well earned rest! 🌲💚

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Oh Elske, I am so very sorry! This pesky virus never gives up does it? I do hope your uninvited guest has left you and without after effects! 🙏🏽

Thank you lovely, our Christmas was very quiet indeed with my daughter absent, but a lovely day nonetheless- it was much needed after the lead up! 😅

Sending a big hug to you and happy New Year wishes too 🤍✨🥂xxx

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So so exhausting Susie !... my question is : why don't you have helpers ? Why do you do everything ? Don't forget to take care of you next Sunday ❤️

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Thank you Stéphanie, pour répondre à ta question… alors, c’est simple, j'ai mal choisi, peut-être était-ce un effet de lumière ? Ou un verre de vin de trop mais mon mari s'est vite transformé en modèle ancien au lieu du moderne que j'avais imaginé, peut-être une erreur de ma part ou une tromperie délibérée ? Je ne le saurai jamais... heureusement (pour lui) que je l'aime tendrement !

Bonne fin d’année à toi et ta famille de tout cœur ♥️🥂✨xx

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Rien n'est définitivement joué, et je te souhaite de dénicher encore un peu de force supplémentaire pour allumer l'amazone qui est en toi, et la magicienne que tu es a tellement de ressources !... tu poétises la vie. Tendres pensées Susie ⭐️🕯

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Merci infiniment pour tes mots de compréhension et de gentillesse ma belle, j'ai les larmes aux yeux en lisant... il est rare que je pense aux difficultés de ma vie, j'ai fait un choix et je dois faire de mon mieux pour le respecter mais je ne nie pas que mes rêves sont loin de la réalité....

Je t’embrasse très fort de loins pendant ce dernier week-end de l’année 2023 et te souhaite rien que des merveilles pour les 364 qui suivent..🙏🏽🕊️✨xxx

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I've said this a hundred times and I shall say it again... you possess an endless amount of energy and will (that of 3 people at least. There is nothing you cannot accomplish, armed with persistence, despite the obstacles which were many that day. I adore and marvel the immense work involved in creating your idiomatic Christmas Tree. You've won first prize! Huge applause! Love and hugs dearest Susie.

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Haha thanks my darling, it is a good job I have so much energy (I hope it never runs out?) or nothing would ever be even started around here… a fact you know so well! I’m so happy though that you, at least, appreciate my perseverance- thank you, thank you, thank you, you keep my world spinning at a pace that’s acceptable… love and a huge hug back to you ♥️xxxx

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