Jun 26Liked by Susie Mawhinney

Belated happy birthday! Lovely gifts and words.

This made me grin ear to ear: "My peonies droop with the weight of disappointed effort, my roses have the appearance of teenage girls returning from a rave, crookedly staggering, often falling completely, still frilly, still pretty but exhausted from trying to stay perfectly beautiful."

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Ahh, thank you, If I’m completely honest Nathan, my garden is often drooping with exhaustion, sadly, mostly, not from shocking weather conditions but by my inability to rid it of weeds which I just find too beautiful to uproot but whilst I will never be featured in any glossy homes and gardens magazine, I do love it’s wildness so the weeds stay!

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Jun 26Liked by Susie Mawhinney

Hehe, I think that's a good way to be. Let nature have its way, to a certain extent. It's like a house—I much prefer a well-lived in house than one where I'm afraid of putting a book down on a table or moving a cushion 😆

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I agrée, 100% ! You’d feel very at home here Nathan! Housework gets lower and lower in my list of priorities… it’s full of jars of wild flowers though!

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Jun 24Liked by Susie Mawhinney

Beautiful, Susie! Those haikus, wow. Our dog Will occasionally sing as well - to the guitar. He’s partial to the blues.

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Thank you Julie… The haiku were an inspiration on a glorious day…all the darkness of that terrible day in January needed to be banished, they worked well, not only for me but for my sheep also.

We had a little dog that would howl every time the telephone rang and when I picked up the saxophone - it was impossible to play while she was anywhere close… in the end I gave up!

I’m a bit/ a lot partial to the blues too… many thanks for reading!

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Jun 20Liked by Susie Mawhinney

What a beautiful birthday you had. And the haikus! All the love to you, my friend!

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Thank you dear Lisha, it was such an unexpectedly lovely day… I felt and still do feel blessed 😌xxx

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What a wonderful birthday treat for you Susie, the accompanying dogs must surely have seen off the horrors of June.

The haikus were beautiful, but gosh they both took me right back to your account of that awful, awful day earlier in the year :(

You are nearly there my friend and I feel quite sure as soon as term ends the weather will set fair and treat you well for the summer break. Xx

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It really was such a very lovely and much appreciated gentle day Vanessa, I never expect my birthday to be wonderful but this year it was!

The haiku cleansing seems to have worked thank goodness, I was very worried Sonny would have flashbacks of that awful morning but he seems very happy with his new entourage - small mercies right!

I’m praying hard re the weather… although as I type this I have had to turn on the lights because the clouds have turned black again for the fifth time this afternoon, I’m just waiting for them to open…

I hope thé week is rolling calmly where you are xxxx

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Glorious (the dogs - not the election results or the weather) x

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Let’s not mention either Andrea, they make for a too grim discussion!

Thank you for reading, I do hope the week is being kind to you x

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Beautiful, Susie.

“Stranger on the Shore” with the canine accompaniment is wonderful❣️

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Wasn’t it adorable Louise… I literally burst into tears the moment Emily started playing.

Apologies for delayed such response these last two days… it’s the final two week run up to summer holidays which means, well you know what it means I think… my head is spinning from trying to fit the ‘want to do’ with the ‘have to do’ 😵‍💫x

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Completely understand! My reading here on Substack is so backed up. Classes and “life” somehow take precedence. We have another 5 weeks of classes-in 30°+ weather. 🥵

The summer break is right around the corner. Take care❣️

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OH a very happy belated birthday to you Susie! That was a wonderful post xx

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Many many thanks Roselle, it feels like a while a go now, already the relief of arriving at an age I never thought I would has faded… I didn’t think I’d ever forget that fear either. How clever our minds are…

I hope thé rains have subsided up there, she says as yet another torrential downpour rattles the roof tiles! X

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Jun 18Liked by Susie Mawhinney

Oh how wonderful Susie. So special seeing Emily's birthday offering to you. You both give so much to this community. The video made me laugh and cry.

I love the image of your peonies and roses - wild and abundant.

Thanks Susie. xx

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Huge thanks Jo, Emily is a Substack treasure! I was bowled over by the video, how immensely kind and thoughtful was that! 🥹

I Hope your week has been fabulous in every way… xxxx

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"Herbaceous horror" -- what a fine description. Do get well soon.

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It’s as accurate as I could think of Betty! 😂

Thank you very much for reading, I’m feeling much better today thank goodness! It has been a seven day nightmare, stay well clear of anyone who says they are tired or feverish, I wouldn’t wish this virus on anybody! X

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Jun 18Liked by Susie Mawhinney

Susie, that birthday video made me smile and laugh with such delight. Especially at 3/4 of the way through when chanteuse doggie got a hitch in his throat and had to shake it off. But oh the finale, so smooth little one!

And your haikus of healing. Just beautiful. What an honoring of the shadows and the light.

Hope your fever-bound drooping head is lifting along with those raving roses. 🥀

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Dear Kimberly, wasn't that the sweetest video, I was so very touched. This place... 🥲

Huge heart thanks for your well wishes, I am at last feeling more human! The week has felt very long, sleep has been very short and I've felt the toll of no rest regardless of illness throughout the whole week, it's been quite a battle which I pray I am on the winning side now.

The Haiku were such gentle balm, we sat in the meadow in tall grass and composed our words in silence all bar the birds... a healing process in myriad forms, I am so glad you enjoyed them.

I wish you a beautiful, calm and hopefully sunny weekend sweet soul xxxx

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We were delighted to play and sing for you Susie! I close my eyes and imagine your hill and your garden, I still have the image in my mind of the photo you shared of your house and garden, that I can’t now find again. It’s where I picture you, against the dramatic sky, with you sheep and little dog. How wonderful to wake to the nightingale. The wren chicks have hatched in the shed and I crept in to video Mrs wren back and forth, beak full of grubs, to feed them. There is truly nothing in this world more enchanted than nature in all its wonder. S sending love for a wonderful week 💛

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And I was so delighted you did Emily! I have saved the video in my faves for future listening… 🙏🏽

Sadly all wandering in my hill and garden have been cancelled this week, between the weather and the virus I caught the moment simply hasn’t arisen but I’m finally feeling human again and looking forward to fresh air and sunshine and my hill and just feeling like summer is here… all I need is the weather to play fairly!

As soon as my summer holidays arrive in two weeks I will be catching up here and your lovely videos are up there with the ‘must see’ and ‘must read’…. I’m so so behind!

I hope your week has been kind to you lovely… sending love and huge very soggy hugs! 💛🤗xx

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So glad you’re feeling better and I hope you get some time in the fresh air in your hill. And how wonderful that you will soon be on your summer holidays 💛

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