Beautiful. The little films always feel so good to watch.

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Glad you enjoy them Anna.

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Thank you darling, how are you? ♥️xx

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Oh, Susie…. If you pass by the place you laid the badger, please leave some flowers for me. 😢 ❤️‍🩹

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I passed by this evening Louise, whispered a few words of prayer from us all. 💔

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I do the same here, Susie, for our Carrot, but also for other animals (usually cats) that have been hit by cars. We found another one just yesterday when riding our bikes. A beautiful calico. So sad. 💔🙏🏽

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Oh these photos Susie. Just stunning. As are your words too of course. xx

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Many thanks Jo, I hope the weekend is being kind to you 🙏🏼xx

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In our home ,YOYO is our go to word . We are a two person household +Ranger, our dog. Usually YOYO is used when neither of us feel like making dinner, or we can’t agree on ‘what’s for dinner’. It also can be used for other applications throughout our day; ‘Your on your own’. Poor Hedgehog, how could this little being, only have been blessed with a frown and the ability to curl his spiked body as self protection. I have known several humans who frown often, hunched in on themselves while walking, regardless of age. Now I wonder if a smile is not only emotionally uplifting to one’s self and to others, but may have a physiological ability to lift us up as our mouth lifts at each corner. I bow my head in respect to the Badger, and find it impossible to pity the person who has nothing better to do in life than shoot another being living a life of survival. I’m standing nearby, careful now, seriously, all 96 lbs of my 5’2” frame abruptly turns into my inner version of ‘Zena Princess Warrior’(and old TV series) whenever harm comes towards my people, my dog, or and innocent being (I’m told I can be frightful).

You played the chords and I felt the tune. Pain, beauty, always beauty, kindness and compassion for the Robin, Hedgehog, Badgers, the elder human and the young ones, those in between, not the one with gun, nothing for him. As to the last gorgeous paragraph, you already do.

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I had never heard this YOLO retort until my son replied to my question, 'are you sure you have time to cycle a 32km round trip before dark?' (he wanted to see his girlfriend on a gloomy Sunday afternoon who lives 16km away on tiny winding country lanes with an incline in two places that would make most people turn back to Netflix before they'd even put on protective hat and gloves!) He made it too... I think I like YOYO better, it doesn't sound quite so life threatening!

I join you Lor, all 105lb of my 5'6" frame, which doesn't make us weighty warriors, but, like the mother who lifted a car from her dying child, our intentions and love are vast and unconquerable, even when faced with the lofty smirking might of young bucks with loaded guns! Forward march my friend, I'm right by you!

This morning she is gone, not a hair of her beautiful badger form remains in its place of rest, I'd like to believe that she has been reabsorbed into nature, that the land perhaps was nourished by her death at least, I don't want to dwell on yet more skulduggery...

I don't think I will ever look at another hedgehog again without seeing its frown... without wanting to smooth them out - I almost wish I didn't know!

Always with thanks and beyond Lor, especially for your parting words. x

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You write about feeling busy and like things are urgent Susie and yet I always feel so much calm and peace reading your words. The photos too are stunning.

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Thank you Deirdre, the spaces in between have to be calm when the rest is so much chaos!

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Yes and I always feel too how connected to nature you are. That’s the real key!

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My husband doesn’t call it connection, more addiction! I’m ok with that though, its free and its honest and yeah… sometimes it makes me feel high!

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I am haunted by that image of you carrying the badger in your arms. Yet the love of this very act is stronger than grief or anger. 💛

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I am still haunted by the sight of her… the grief will fade, the love, never. 🙏🏼

The anger I am fighting to control.

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Your words drift gently on the breeze, swirling and dancing across the ocean to settle in my heart. Utterly breathtaking Susie 💛✨

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Thank you so much Emily, for always being here with your gentle kind words, they mean so much lovely - Bonne soirée. 💫🤗

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The heartache, beautiful Broc:(

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My heart breaks a little more very time Sarah. She was beautiful, too beautiful to die. 💔

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"I think I would like to write words like leaves do as they fall, with undone colour and abandonment, landing haphazardly in love poetry across fields and streams, flowing, fluttering, floating into forever."

This is just a stunning ending to a beautiful and melancholy post, Susie. Your words are poetry, always.

Those poor badgers. My heart aches.

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Thank you Nathan, You make me smile when you say my words are like poetry, I wish I could do nothing but write books of poetry!

my mood has been little melancholy recently, it shouldn’t be when surrounded be the richness of the season but when even my students, so young and yet untouched by the complications of this life seem sad, I feel it weighing terribly.

As my own heart aches still, for badgers and unhappy children…🙏🏼

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Two of my favorite reads this past week too! In fact, all weeks I look forward to Nathan Slake and Rebecca Hooper, and…. YOU.

My heart breaks with yours for the badger friend. The senseless killing of animals makes me rage like no other. I could barely finish but I did, and you pendulum-ed me into awe and wonder with your final, soaring words:

“I think I would like to write words like leaves do as they fall, with undone colour and abandonment, landing haphazardly in love poetry across fields and streams, flowing, fluttering, floating into forever.”

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Dear Kimberly, sweetest thanks for being here yet again to leave me your kind words of encouragement on days when I feel the glue of winter's grey dragging me into its dreary depths... it is early this year, I was hoping for longer to prepare, I haven't finished fluttering yet!

I hope your day is kind and beautiful... xx

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The last photo is magnificent.

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Thank you, its only a phone pic taken in Live and changed to LE - sometimes they look like paintings!

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Well done!

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Susie, you never cease to delight my senses! Thank you! I am sad for the loss of the badger.

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Thank you for always leaving such lovely comments Pamela, I don’t think one ever recovers from the sight of unnecessary slaughter… 💔

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Gorgeous, soothing words here, Susie. Thank you for being one of us who weep for badgers.

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Thank you Holly, I weep all animals hunted by humans but there are those, otter, hare, badger and owl that not only intrigue but enchant too, possibly more so in their scarcity and inherent shapeshifting abilities. The thought of killing anything for the glorification of bloodsports, which is all it is with these trigger happy young bucks, is abhorrent. 💔

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Death caused by humans to any innocent creature is evil. Humans bring too much darkness to this planet. I'm told it's 75%, I personally believe it is much higher. I am grateful for God creating the beautiful creatures and nature to soothe our weary souls and minds. My focus is always on them, my daily inspirations. Love n Light Sweet Soul.

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HI sweet soul, you know without my saying a single word that I agree with you, killing for the sake of killing, I can barely even type the words... it beggars belief 😞 I don't want to believe, either, that 75% of darkness brought to this planet is caused by humans, especially when so many have good and kind and generous souls - are we really that outnumbered? Its horrifying!

Thank goodness there is still nature to soothe our souls, to calm are worries and fears...🙏🏼

Love and light back always - keep smiling darling♥️xx

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There's a special circle of hell for people who kill badgers.

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I hope so Jane, I've watched these badgers for many years, I am broken hearted every time I come across another body but thankfully their sett is hundreds of years old and the inhabitants strong and numerous, the men with guns will have to fight hard to win this particular battle. 🙏🏼

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They trap so many animals for no reason whatsoever, perfectly legally. Makes me want to weep. I hope they badger fortress holds out.

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I dread these winter months when hunters swarm the hill Jane, they set traps, their dogs frighten every small creature hiding in the undergrowth, already petrified by thunderous sounds… and yes, all perfectly legal. 😢 The badgers have lasted hundreds of years on this hill, I am hoping they will last at least a few hundred more yet.

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We’ve got them until the beginning of March for the killing of anything and everything, but the badgers, foxes, martens and a whole swathe of other inoffensive animals will be massacred all year round :(

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Its a sad and uneducated system that will allow such barbaric behaviour, my neighbour, whilst not unkind people , indeed one who has an overt love of animals will still settle himself on the hill on a June evening and wait, gun loaded and cocked, above the badger sett for them to appear, or at the end of his garden waiting for pigeon and carrion to settle in the field to eat newly planted grain, with the sole intention of mass murder. I have asked why he should want to kill harmless creatures and the only reply is to shrug his shoulders, saying, 'its sont pénibles'. I could cry, I do.

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I think all societies are guilty of barbarity towards animals. They just justify it differently depending on whether the mainstream has turned against it. All over the British isles farmers are thrilled that badgers are ‘culled’ for no good scientific reason, and they poison and shoot birds of prey. Hare coursing is barbaric, banned in France, legal in Ireland. The world over, we take out on animals what the law doesn’t let us do to our fellow human beings.

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