"In complete opposition to wanting time to slow down, during term time I am quite content for it to fly!" amen to this, but equally I very much agree with "I think to profit from the time we have in the here and now and cherish the moments that are loved is the only path to follow..."
Let us be content to embrace every moment we have.
"In complete opposition to wanting time to slow down, during term time I am quite content for it to fly!" amen to this, but equally I very much agree with "I think to profit from the time we have in the here and now and cherish the moments that are loved is the only path to follow..."
Let us be content to embrace every moment we have.
"In complete opposition to wanting time to slow down, during term time I am quite content for it to fly!" amen to this, but equally I very much agree with "I think to profit from the time we have in the here and now and cherish the moments that are loved is the only path to follow..."
Let us be content to embrace every moment we have.
Its all we have in the end! ЁЯЩПЁЯП╝