It really is terrifying Vanessa, I dread days like these! Last year I accompanied 82 children aged 4 to 11 on a sports day event which unbelievably was being held by a river, not a stream, a real river with a name! There were no safety barriers in place and the whole length was wide open with raging waters after a stormy week prior. I th…
It really is terrifying Vanessa, I dread days like these! Last year I accompanied 82 children aged 4 to 11 on a sports day event which unbelievably was being held by a river, not a stream, a real river with a name! There were no safety barriers in place and the whole length was wide open with raging waters after a stormy week prior. I think my heart may have stopped about 100 times that day! Patience is definitely the word and eyes front sides and back!
Thank goodness for little owls sitting in barn windows!! xx
It really is terrifying Vanessa, I dread days like these! Last year I accompanied 82 children aged 4 to 11 on a sports day event which unbelievably was being held by a river, not a stream, a real river with a name! There were no safety barriers in place and the whole length was wide open with raging waters after a stormy week prior. I think my heart may have stopped about 100 times that day! Patience is definitely the word and eyes front sides and back!
Thank goodness for little owls sitting in barn windows!! xx
Good lord 🙈🙈🙈 I mean I’m fairly relaxed about H&S but really! Xx