Weird and confusing and heartbreaking (wait til he loses his first love) and joyful too… its every emotion we never knew we had tripled! Good luck Natalie, I hope you’re buckled in tight!
How I wish I could be on the other side of that tree, hugging it with you. And then move on to the sheep, dust off the frost and give each one a hug. And the scruffy Wolfie and Grey, and send a hug to the sky so it can fly to wherever Sassy may be. And then the biggest hug for you. 🙃
Oh Susie, what a most precious and beautiful gift you received from Rosie! To be properly treasured 💕 And frankly, to be accompanied on a walk by a 16 year old boy is quite a gift too I believe…
I must try and learn more about the magical healing properties of those woods, sounds fascinating and frankly it’s worth trying anything if one’s joints are of the wonky variety.
Sending love from a dark, cold and snowy arctic! Xx
Belated thanks Vanessa, I still haven’t managed to pick up and look through that beautiful gift without tears, it will be treasured with love for the rest of my days. Maybe even after too…
The forest in Cransac I speak of overlooks the town of the same name which is famous all over France for its thermal cures (since the 1800’s I think) using natural minerals in the form of steam that are emitted from the hills surrounding it… I’ve never tried it but hear it really is life changing!
Bonne Année Betty, January is my most loathed month of the year, I would happily sleep write through…. but life calls, classes this morning will be a nightmare of chatter and noise but they are at least a bright distraction from the generalised grey and brown outside ! Resolutions are just heartache… you are wise! Have a good week xxx
Walking with my two angels are some of my most treasured moments Holly, the older they become the more precious they are, I feel blessed as a mother to have been gifted two such gorgeous, kind and big hearted souls, we have so much love between us I sometimes think my own heart will explode!
Thank you for noticing, I am so glad it shows. 🙏🏼 xx
Jo I still can't pick up that sketch book without tears rolling down my face, it is special, it made me feel so special too. I will post some photos just as soon as I think there is no more risk of tears smudging the ink!
Thank you sweet soul, unlike my daughter who photographs beautifully, I am the sort to always be moving at the wrong moment, but my daughter took the tree hugging pic a couple of years ago and it seemed perfect! I spend quite a lot of time hugging trees, especially this last year when so very many have been marked with a big red cross for felling...😢
Sending extra big hugs to you and your own beautiful family and hopes that this new year sees you settled and happy in your new tiny home - love always ♥️xx
Susie, I could feel the frosty chill as I was reading this missive and my hands suddenly went cold. Do keep the fire roaring my friend, and enjoy this new year and what ever it may bring. Like you I set no goals for a new year, but I do of course hope for joy, love, good health and prosperity for us all.
I am standing by my 'no resolutions, no goals' Pamela, I've tried before and have made myself ill trying to fulfil them, far better to just let the days take ole where they will and enjoy whatever surprises they hold! I am slightly in awe of anyone that has planned their entire year but also wonder where that leaves space for the surprise element?
I too hope for joy and love, for kindness in abundance, good health and above all PEACE! Everywhere... sending love and warm hugs (stove is behaving this morning) to you xxx
I never understood the whole goals for the new year thing. I’m glad the stove is behaving! There’s been a raw chill in the air here. I am about to get under a warm blanket on my couch which is covered with a warm blanket!
Me neither, I’ve tried and given up and felt so useless for not sticking to them I just don’t bother… and I don’t blame you Pamela, if I could I would join you! We had a week of really beautiful but very cold days here and now the grey and drizzle has descended again… it is most uninspiring, far better to be cosy under a blanket reading a good book or writing! Or chatting to a friend who’s right there next to you! xx
For me it is under a warm blanket watching a good movie or reading a good book, but more so movies of late. I find movies to be great escapism these days. There are books awaiting too... I will find them soon enough! Stay warm and dry Susie!
No one else has offered me a tree hug in ever so long...
and then this..."Mice continue to derange my sleep, but I have asked David E. Perry for the loan of a tiny shrike he has had the pleasure of lunching with who knows what to do with Mouse Toes."
Standing here in the season of gifts, these are two of the finest I can imagine. Thank you dear Susie.
All the ways you calm the waters with your thoughtful observations and soulful reveries. They are the warm fire in the cold stove that begins to change the shape of a morning-cold room... and while I read and consider the order of a few words to send in reply, I hear the faint 'chit----chit-----chit' of a wee, feathered poet just beyond the window, searching in faint, awakening gloom for that one tasty spider that will stir the coals in her own wee stove.
It is the first morning of the new year and you are one of its gifts.
Dearest David, I believe tree hugs to be the absolute finest of all hugs... this one especially, sent with the gift of love.
I attempted my own reply earlier... much earlier, alas hungry bleating's floated up from the meadow, squabbling chickens squawked loudly in the hen house over the last grain in an empty feeder and my little scruffy dog, with legs crossed in desperation staring beseechingly at me were all distractions not to be ignored. Then, as I began again to string together my words of thanks, an old greater spotted acquaintance hammers feistily on walnuts waiting to be rid of their shells in trays on the veranda - his own morning ritual - perhaps believing he is helping, perhaps knowing how long and arduous the task of turning nuts to oil is, whichever... he was determined not to be captured on film!
Now, of course, it is late in the morning, but I can relish the luxury of a toasty warm kitchen while drinking my second cup of coffee of the day without woodpecker, sheep hens or the pitter-pattering of 'mouse toes' as they finish their night work, scamper to their well hidden oak clad beds - they partied well last night - distracting me to send you my thanks!
I hope this third day of a new year brings with it many other gifts for you my dear friend and all the days that follow too...
Susie, I longingly await the arrival of your words upon my screen. Each is a gift to be unwrapped with care. When I make it to France eventually, I am going to climb your hill and give you a hug. All the best in the coming year.
Matthew I will wait that day with joy! Thank you my friend, for your kindness and inspiration, for reading my words and your warm comments - may your year of new days roll gently one into a blessed other with love and good health and kindness aplenty!
What utter beauty in every word. It has been such a pleasure to vicariously walk your hill with you each day Susie, to feel the indescribably wonder of such a gift made of love, to sit in front of Stove and with you, to feed the sheep and watch the fairies defrosting their wings. I await in anticipation new wonderings of a new year. Sending much love xx
That little sketch book will be treasured for ever - it speaks of so much love I still can't pick it up without tears forming, I feel blessed to have a daughter with a heart that knows just how to touch my own.
Emily you are such a very treasured friend here, one of the very first I subscribed to way back at the beginning of this joy filled Substack journey, you have inspired and delighted me ceaselessly with your drawings, your endless creativity and above all your kindness, I thank you from my whole heart and hope your 2025 be magical and wondrous and filled with love ♥️xxx
What it feels like to read about the cold and bitter, to walk with dear ones - even if their walks are different than your own - to be the tree. How I have enjoyed these daily notes bound in a weekly offering.
It is an odd thing Stacy, maybe you have noticed too but walking in winter with loved ones has a whole different feeling than any other season, I don't know if its because we walk more closely or whether the cold draws out conversation to keep warm in body and soul? For me it is an experience anticipated with love always not despite the cold but because of it.
Thank you so much for reading, for leaving your much appreciated kind comments - may your new days be blessed in every way! 💫x
I think you told me about the picture your son gave you Pipp, these are heart gifts to be treasured for ever. I have the book Rosie gave me beside me now, II still can't open it without tears forming - perhaps I never will!
And yes, the music walks!! It is an odd thing but I am beginning to look forward to them; time alone with my son is a rarity now he has a young love to occupy him so they have become more than special. We talk of many things and although it breaks my heart to lose my sweet boy, I feel so proud to see he has become a clever and very big hearted young man. There is time for him to learn about birdsong yet!
Belated wishes to you and your even busier family Pipp, with love and a huge hug! ♥️xxx
I think he loves his girlfriend more at the moment - He's going to be rewarded with a permanent crick in his neck if he doesn't stop texting and I have never known him so looking forward to going back to school ever! 😂
Part of me wants my son to live his life. Part of me thinks I will die when he leaves. It’s a weird existence, I think, being a parent.
Weird and confusing and heartbreaking (wait til he loses his first love) and joyful too… its every emotion we never knew we had tripled! Good luck Natalie, I hope you’re buckled in tight!
How I wish I could be on the other side of that tree, hugging it with you. And then move on to the sheep, dust off the frost and give each one a hug. And the scruffy Wolfie and Grey, and send a hug to the sky so it can fly to wherever Sassy may be. And then the biggest hug for you. 🙃
Elegiac and generous.
Warm thanks Mary, I find this time of year can have both tendencies - you know this perhaps even more deeply than I xx
Thank you for reading Jonathan. 🙏🏼
Oh Susie, what a most precious and beautiful gift you received from Rosie! To be properly treasured 💕 And frankly, to be accompanied on a walk by a 16 year old boy is quite a gift too I believe…
I must try and learn more about the magical healing properties of those woods, sounds fascinating and frankly it’s worth trying anything if one’s joints are of the wonky variety.
Sending love from a dark, cold and snowy arctic! Xx
Belated thanks Vanessa, I still haven’t managed to pick up and look through that beautiful gift without tears, it will be treasured with love for the rest of my days. Maybe even after too…
The forest in Cransac I speak of overlooks the town of the same name which is famous all over France for its thermal cures (since the 1800’s I think) using natural minerals in the form of steam that are emitted from the hills surrounding it… I’ve never tried it but hear it really is life changing!
Enjoy the delights of the north, Finland is one of my dream destinations! xx
Thanks Susie, who knows, perhaps I’ll manage a visit your way one day! Xx
Tea and cake will be waiting when you do Vanessa ! xx
beautiful arts and hearts, Susie 🌻
tree hugs received,
What a beautiful gift from your daughter!
As for New Year's, my only resolution was to not make any. January is not a good time for that, I fear.
Bonne année nonetheless!
Bonne Année Betty, January is my most loathed month of the year, I would happily sleep write through…. but life calls, classes this morning will be a nightmare of chatter and noise but they are at least a bright distraction from the generalised grey and brown outside ! Resolutions are just heartache… you are wise! Have a good week xxx
Hi Susie, January can be tough but my most loathed month is February. At least it’s blissfully short. Have a good week yourself!
PS. Subscribed to Rosie’s stack and looking forward to diving in.
You're very kind, Thank you - she doesn't post very often due studies but I know shed love to write more when she's finished!
Susie! The photo just after the fairy wings passage absolutely took my breath away.
This trio of you and Rosie and Seth is just gorgeous, and I feel fortunate to glimpse the beauty of your connection and your wandering.
Walking with my two angels are some of my most treasured moments Holly, the older they become the more precious they are, I feel blessed as a mother to have been gifted two such gorgeous, kind and big hearted souls, we have so much love between us I sometimes think my own heart will explode!
Thank you for noticing, I am so glad it shows. 🙏🏼 xx
Ah Susie, the gift from your daughter. So so special. 🥰
As much as I love your nature photos it was a real bonus having a photo of your beautiful daughter and a photo of your beautiful self hugging a tree.
Thank you and wishing you a very happy new year. xx
Jo I still can't pick up that sketch book without tears rolling down my face, it is special, it made me feel so special too. I will post some photos just as soon as I think there is no more risk of tears smudging the ink!
Thank you sweet soul, unlike my daughter who photographs beautifully, I am the sort to always be moving at the wrong moment, but my daughter took the tree hugging pic a couple of years ago and it seemed perfect! I spend quite a lot of time hugging trees, especially this last year when so very many have been marked with a big red cross for felling...😢
Sending extra big hugs to you and your own beautiful family and hopes that this new year sees you settled and happy in your new tiny home - love always ♥️xx
Susie, I could feel the frosty chill as I was reading this missive and my hands suddenly went cold. Do keep the fire roaring my friend, and enjoy this new year and what ever it may bring. Like you I set no goals for a new year, but I do of course hope for joy, love, good health and prosperity for us all.
I am standing by my 'no resolutions, no goals' Pamela, I've tried before and have made myself ill trying to fulfil them, far better to just let the days take ole where they will and enjoy whatever surprises they hold! I am slightly in awe of anyone that has planned their entire year but also wonder where that leaves space for the surprise element?
I too hope for joy and love, for kindness in abundance, good health and above all PEACE! Everywhere... sending love and warm hugs (stove is behaving this morning) to you xxx
I never understood the whole goals for the new year thing. I’m glad the stove is behaving! There’s been a raw chill in the air here. I am about to get under a warm blanket on my couch which is covered with a warm blanket!
Me neither, I’ve tried and given up and felt so useless for not sticking to them I just don’t bother… and I don’t blame you Pamela, if I could I would join you! We had a week of really beautiful but very cold days here and now the grey and drizzle has descended again… it is most uninspiring, far better to be cosy under a blanket reading a good book or writing! Or chatting to a friend who’s right there next to you! xx
For me it is under a warm blanket watching a good movie or reading a good book, but more so movies of late. I find movies to be great escapism these days. There are books awaiting too... I will find them soon enough! Stay warm and dry Susie!
No one else has offered me a tree hug in ever so long...
and then this..."Mice continue to derange my sleep, but I have asked David E. Perry for the loan of a tiny shrike he has had the pleasure of lunching with who knows what to do with Mouse Toes."
Standing here in the season of gifts, these are two of the finest I can imagine. Thank you dear Susie.
All the ways you calm the waters with your thoughtful observations and soulful reveries. They are the warm fire in the cold stove that begins to change the shape of a morning-cold room... and while I read and consider the order of a few words to send in reply, I hear the faint 'chit----chit-----chit' of a wee, feathered poet just beyond the window, searching in faint, awakening gloom for that one tasty spider that will stir the coals in her own wee stove.
It is the first morning of the new year and you are one of its gifts.
Dearest David, I believe tree hugs to be the absolute finest of all hugs... this one especially, sent with the gift of love.
I attempted my own reply earlier... much earlier, alas hungry bleating's floated up from the meadow, squabbling chickens squawked loudly in the hen house over the last grain in an empty feeder and my little scruffy dog, with legs crossed in desperation staring beseechingly at me were all distractions not to be ignored. Then, as I began again to string together my words of thanks, an old greater spotted acquaintance hammers feistily on walnuts waiting to be rid of their shells in trays on the veranda - his own morning ritual - perhaps believing he is helping, perhaps knowing how long and arduous the task of turning nuts to oil is, whichever... he was determined not to be captured on film!
Now, of course, it is late in the morning, but I can relish the luxury of a toasty warm kitchen while drinking my second cup of coffee of the day without woodpecker, sheep hens or the pitter-pattering of 'mouse toes' as they finish their night work, scamper to their well hidden oak clad beds - they partied well last night - distracting me to send you my thanks!
I hope this third day of a new year brings with it many other gifts for you my dear friend and all the days that follow too...
Susie, I longingly await the arrival of your words upon my screen. Each is a gift to be unwrapped with care. When I make it to France eventually, I am going to climb your hill and give you a hug. All the best in the coming year.
Matthew I will wait that day with joy! Thank you my friend, for your kindness and inspiration, for reading my words and your warm comments - may your year of new days roll gently one into a blessed other with love and good health and kindness aplenty!
What utter beauty in every word. It has been such a pleasure to vicariously walk your hill with you each day Susie, to feel the indescribably wonder of such a gift made of love, to sit in front of Stove and with you, to feed the sheep and watch the fairies defrosting their wings. I await in anticipation new wonderings of a new year. Sending much love xx
That little sketch book will be treasured for ever - it speaks of so much love I still can't pick it up without tears forming, I feel blessed to have a daughter with a heart that knows just how to touch my own.
Emily you are such a very treasured friend here, one of the very first I subscribed to way back at the beginning of this joy filled Substack journey, you have inspired and delighted me ceaselessly with your drawings, your endless creativity and above all your kindness, I thank you from my whole heart and hope your 2025 be magical and wondrous and filled with love ♥️xxx
What it feels like to read about the cold and bitter, to walk with dear ones - even if their walks are different than your own - to be the tree. How I have enjoyed these daily notes bound in a weekly offering.
It is an odd thing Stacy, maybe you have noticed too but walking in winter with loved ones has a whole different feeling than any other season, I don't know if its because we walk more closely or whether the cold draws out conversation to keep warm in body and soul? For me it is an experience anticipated with love always not despite the cold but because of it.
Thank you so much for reading, for leaving your much appreciated kind comments - may your new days be blessed in every way! 💫x
What a beautiful gift Susie!!
My son did something similar for my birthday. The picture is framed in our kitchen.
I know that feeling too when you want to listen to the birds not a podcast or music! But it sounds as if you had a beautiful walk all the same.
Wishing you a happy new year to you and your busy family if mice
I think you told me about the picture your son gave you Pipp, these are heart gifts to be treasured for ever. I have the book Rosie gave me beside me now, II still can't open it without tears forming - perhaps I never will!
And yes, the music walks!! It is an odd thing but I am beginning to look forward to them; time alone with my son is a rarity now he has a young love to occupy him so they have become more than special. We talk of many things and although it breaks my heart to lose my sweet boy, I feel so proud to see he has become a clever and very big hearted young man. There is time for him to learn about birdsong yet!
Belated wishes to you and your even busier family Pipp, with love and a huge hug! ♥️xxx
There is indeed much time. To become a big hearted man is so much more to be proud of. You are a very loved Mum.
I think he loves his girlfriend more at the moment - He's going to be rewarded with a permanent crick in his neck if he doesn't stop texting and I have never known him so looking forward to going back to school ever! 😂