Every case is hard Vanessa, as I’m sure you can imagine but this little chappie I’ve taught (on and off) since he was two years old - I won’t even describe the deplorable state he arrived to our care in - as a result (a very unprofessional one admittedly) I am rather attached so obviously the heartbreak is tenfold when not one solution w…
Every case is hard Vanessa, as I’m sure you can imagine but this little chappie I’ve taught (on and off) since he was two years old - I won’t even describe the deplorable state he arrived to our care in - as a result (a very unprofessional one admittedly) I am rather attached so obviously the heartbreak is tenfold when not one solution will help him further through an already very hard life. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so useless… I guess it comes with the job - it doesn’t make it easier though! 😓
Yes! Indeed, Christmas will happen regardless, and as long as I don’t forget to order the capon and turn on the oven when I slide it in) all will be an improvised success, the same as every other year! I hope… 🙃love back to you xx
Every case is hard Vanessa, as I’m sure you can imagine but this little chappie I’ve taught (on and off) since he was two years old - I won’t even describe the deplorable state he arrived to our care in - as a result (a very unprofessional one admittedly) I am rather attached so obviously the heartbreak is tenfold when not one solution will help him further through an already very hard life. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so useless… I guess it comes with the job - it doesn’t make it easier though! 😓
Yes! Indeed, Christmas will happen regardless, and as long as I don’t forget to order the capon and turn on the oven when I slide it in) all will be an improvised success, the same as every other year! I hope… 🙃love back to you xx